
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Ιούλιος, 2007

Good old days

My grandparents used to moan about the "good old days" that now belong to the past. My parents always talk about the "good old days" when thinks were different. I don't mind about the good old days. In fact, I love the good new days. I love what we have now. I love the web. I love the fact that you are free to talk, search, have fun, communicate as you please, however you please and as long as you please. I love the fact that it brings all of us closer together. And when I myself moan about the "good old days" it is only for experiences that have united some of us forever. Like the Athens Olympics. I love the web. I love my friend Dimitris Zenetos who loves technology and who knows how to bring all of us closer together again. He used to do that when he was sat next to us, in an open floor space at the Olympic Committe Headquarters. But then, he was physically there. Now he is not. He lives in the UK and most of us - the old gang - live in Greece. But ...

On Fire

Athens in on fire. Well, not quite the city itself but the beautiful forest surrounding the northern side of the city. Gone. Finished. Done. Nothing to look forward to. The ashes came all the way to my balcony. You could smell the fire from all around. They tell us it is going to be allright, they will protect what is left and try to restore the forest to its original format. It is all a big lie, a lie that has been said a thousant times so far, ever since I can remember. As a child I lived very near a mountain area, again in the suburbs of the city. I remember it been burnt twice. What was before a lovely forest to go for a walk, play with the snow over winter, smell and feel the flowers during springtime is now blocks of flats - with a wonderful view over the city and the port but still, it is cement. Now we are losing more. I feel angry. I am not sure how much longer we can take. And what life would be like without a moment of joy in the nature? I feel like I am part of a domino. It...